KSA and Ubinan Enumerator Training 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Regency

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KSA and Ubinan Enumerator Training 2024

KSA and Ubinan Enumerator Training 2024

November 21, 2024 | BPS Activities

In order to maintain the quality of agricultural data, the Central Statistics Agency of Manggarai Regency is conducting training for KSA and Ubinan enumerators. KSA, or Area Sample Frame, is a routine survey conducted during the last seven days of each month to observe the growth stages of crops and estimate the harvest area. There are two KSA surveys: KSA for Rice and KSA for Corn. Observations of the growth stages of Rice and Corn are made on 34 segments for KSA Rice and 44 segments for KSA Corn. Each segment has 9 observation points for KSA Rice and 4 observation points for KSA Corn. These observation points are spread across all sub-districts in Manggarai Regency.
The Ubinan Survey is a routine survey conducted to observe the productivity of food crops in Manggarai Regency. The food crops observed include Rice, Corn, Soybeans, Sweet Potatoes, Cassava, and Groundnuts. Productivity data is recorded from selected samples during harvest by weighing the produce from selected plots.
The training for KSA and Ubinan officers was held on November 21-22, 2024, at the BPS Office in Manggarai Regency. The training was conducted by two instructors who explained KSA and Ubinan. A total of 9 KSA and Ubinan enumerator from all sub-districts in Manggarai Regency participated in the training. With this training, it is hoped that accurate data on harvest areas, productivity, and food crop production can be obtained.

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