Training on Ground Checking for National Social and Economic Single Data (DTSEN) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Regency

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Training on Ground Checking for National Social and Economic Single Data (DTSEN)

Training on Ground Checking for National Social and Economic Single Data (DTSEN)

February 27, 2025 | BPS Activities

On Thursday, February 27, 2025, an online Ground Checking training for the National Social and Economic Single Data (DTSEN) was held. Participants in this training consisted of 3 (three) national instructors (Inas) who are employees of the Manggarai Regency BPS and PKH assistants. This training aims to prepare field officers, namely the PKH assistants of the Ministry of Social Affairs, who will update the DTSEN. The DTSEN update will be carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia.

  This DTSEN program is an effort to synergize data between government agencies. As mandated by Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 4 of 2025, all social assistance and community empowerment programs from all institutions will refer to the National Social and Economic Single Data (DTSEN). DTSEN is an integration of three data sources, namely Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), Socioeconomic Registration (Regsosek), and Targeting for the Acceleration of Extreme Poverty Eradication (P3KE). To produce accurate National Social and Economic Single Data (DTSEN), welcome the data collection officers and provide honest and correct answers.

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