Working Visit of the Head of BPS Manggarai Regency to the Vice Regent of Manggarai - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Regency

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Working Visit of the Head of BPS Manggarai Regency to the Vice Regent of Manggarai

Working Visit of the Head of BPS Manggarai Regency to the Vice Regent of Manggarai

March 11, 2025 | Other Activities

To enhance coordination between the BPS of Manggarai Regency and the Regional Government of Manggarai, the Head of BPS Manggarai, Yosef Danu, conducted a working visit to the newly appointed Vice Regent of Manggarai, Fabianus Abu. During the visit on March 11, 2025, the Head of BPS Manggarai, accompanied by three team coordinators, presented the functions and duties of BPS in Manggarai Regency as well as the routine and priority activities that BPS Manggarai will carry out in 2025.

The Head of BPS Manggarai also presented several strategic data released by BPS Manggarai, such as poverty rates, unemployment rates, GRDP, HDI, and others. In addition, information was provided regarding the Sectoral Statistical Development Index and sectoral statistical development efforts that will be carried out by BPS Manggarai to improve the quality of sectoral data produced by the Regional Government and other agencies in Manggarai Regency.

The working visit was well received by the Vice Regent of Manggarai.
He welcomed the cooperation with BPS Manggarai positively and expressed hope that the data produced, both by BPS Manggarai and sectoral data from the Regional Government and other agencies, would be of high quality. This way, the data can be used to help improve the welfare of the people of Manggarai Regency.

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