Sharing Knowledge on Public Service Standards at PST BPS Manggarai Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Regency

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Sharing Knowledge on Public Service Standards at PST BPS Manggarai Regency

Sharing Knowledge on Public Service Standards at PST BPS Manggarai Regency

March 7, 2025 | Other Activities

On Friday, March 7, 2025, BPS Manggarai Regency held a general employee meeting to evaluate the monthly activities and carry out a routine agenda, namely Sharing Knowledge. This time, the Sharing Knowledge session was presented by the IPDS team of BPS Manggarai Regency, which discussed the culture of excellent service to improve the quality of public service at the Integrated Statistical Service Center (PST) of BPS Manggarai Regency. This activity involved all employees, including outsourcing staff (security and janitorial staff) at the BPS Manggarai Regency office, to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the importance of maintaining high-quality public service standards.

The socialization focused on the Culture of Excellent Service related to service standards, service declarations, and the innovation of service SOPs.
Regarding the innovation of the service SOPs, the IPDS function of BPS Manggarai Regency will implement the PST Guard Duty starting on March 10, 2025. This PST Guard Duty will be assigned to all BPS Manggarai Regency employees (excluding the Head of BPS, the Team Leader, and the IPDS Team).

The aim of the PST Guard Duty is for all of BPS Manggarai regency employees to understand the data generated from routine work, to understand the stages of data dissemination, and to support the IPDS Team, whose members are limited, to continue providing the best service to data users. The outcome of this Sharing Knowledge session is expected to be effectively applied at the BPS Manggarai Regency Work Unit, to support the achievement of good public service quality and help enhance the Culture of Excellent Service within the BPS Manggarai Regency Organization.

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