Sharing Knowledge with KPPN Ruteng - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Regency

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Sharing Knowledge with KPPN Ruteng

Sharing Knowledge with KPPN Ruteng

December 2, 2024 | Other Activities

On Friday (29/11), to strengthen the role of KPPN Ruteng, KPPN Ruteng invited the Manggarai Regency BPS to be a resource person in a sharing knowledge event with the theme "Regional Economic Analysis related to Inflation in the Third Quarter of 2024 in Manggarai Regency." The arrival of the Manggarai Regency BPS team was warmly welcomed by the Head of KPPN Ruteng. According to Mr. Akhmad Zainuddin, the Head of KPPN Ruteng, this event was very beneficial, as it not only expanded knowledge but also helped strengthen relationships. This activity reflects a good collaboration between the two institutions, with BPS serving as the provider of information and statistical data, while KPPN, as the data user, can utilize the information for further policy development.
During the presentation, Mr. Yosef Danu, Head of the Manggarai Regency BPS, explained that BPS Manggarai Regency has not been able to calculate inflation due to limitations in data and budget. The inflation calculation performed by BPS uses the method of comparing the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from different periods, where the CPI is a comparison between current prices and prices from the base year.
After the presentation, a Q&A session was held regarding the material presented. At the end of the presentation, BPS said, "Building data is expensive and difficult, but it is much more expensive and difficult to build without data." With the successful implementation of this sharing knowledge event with KPPN, BPS hopes that similar activities can be held with other local governments or institutions in Manggarai Regency.

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