The Visit of St. Fransiskus Xavierus Ruteng Junior High School - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Manggarai Regency

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The Visit of St. Fransiskus Xavierus Ruteng Junior High School

The Visit of St. Fransiskus Xavierus Ruteng Junior High School

September 18, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS Manggarai Regency received a visit from St Fransiskus Xavierus Ruteng Junior High School’s students on 18 September at 01.00 p.m. The purpose of the students’ visit was to request data for their school assignment about the condition, pole, and structure of population and education in Manggarai Regency. BPS itself holds the responsibility to serve the data needs of the government, organizations, and the broader community through its official website, as well as through visits and direct consultations for data requests at the central, provincial, and district levels.
The visit from the students was warmly received by the BPS Manggarai Regency team. The students were invited to consult directly about their intended use of the data, its characteristics, and how the information could be beneficial for the government and the wider community.
The students from SMPK St. Fransiskus Xavierus expressed their satisfaction and gratitude for the excellent service provided by BPS Manggarai District and hoped that BPS would continue to work and deliver maximum service for the community and other parties.

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